Council Activities

Important – Save the Date Info 

Please mark your calendars NOW for several Upcoming Events in 2025 that you will not want to miss: 

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner 
6:00 PM March 15th  
Camelot, Welford 
(Old Council Home)
Click Here for more info 

Bishop’s Project Appreciation Dinner
April 24th

Pass the Gavel/Gold Tie Dinner 
7:00 PM May 1st 
Camelot, Wexford 
(Old Council Home) 
Click Here for more info 

Priest’s Luncheon
11:00 AM May 8th

Vincentian Home, McCandless

Meeting Schedule

NOTE: Due to Ash Wednesday, The First meeting of the month will be on Thursday, March 6th. The Second meeting will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, March 19th.

We hold Two meetings each month on the first and third Wednesday of the month. All meetings are both ‘in-person’ and Virtual. The platform for the virtual meeting is “Zoom” where a meeting ID and Passcode are required. The Zoom sign-in link changes with each meeting, so please send GK Ken Landau an Email at or call him at 412-417-4070 to be added to the invitation list.

Come join us for the Rosary at 7:00pm each meeting night followed by the Meeting at 7:30pm.

The “In-Person” Meeting Location (across Route-19 from Saint Alphonsus/Patron’s):

Wexford Professional Building II:
Suite 2308 (Third-Floor)
11676 Perry Highway
Wexford, PA 15090

Enter from Rear onto 2nd-floor, take stairs/elevator to 3rd-Floor for meeting. Look for Room: 2308.

Council Calendar

March 2nd, 2025 – May 3rd, 2025

SAlp = St. Alphonsus, SJN = St. John Neumann, SSJP = Saints John & Paul

Seventeenth Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner & Dance
March 15th Camelot Event Center 

Mark your calendars NOW for our Seventeenth Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner & Dance on Saturday, March 15th 2025 at the Camelot Event Center, Wexford, PA (our old Council Home). The evening will begin at 6:00pm, followed by an Irish-themed Buffet Dinner at 7:00pm. Dinner includes several entree options, vegetables, salads, desserts, coffee, etc.  Cash Bar.. Also, we will again have the Irish Dancers plus a DJ for Irish music and dancing.  

Line up your family & friends to enjoy an outstanding evening. Please contact Chris Kelley at 724-799-0249 before March 7th, or send a check to our PO Box 131, Wexford, PA 15090 with St. Patrick’s Dinner in the memo line. 

Click Here for Flyer

Recruitment Weekend at Saint Aidan
March 15th Camelot Event Center

After all St. Aidan Parish Masses on March 22nd & 23rd we will be recruiting new members to our Council. At St. Alexis church, Knights will be in the Narthex with our tri-fold brochures that tout our Council’s programs and accomplishments, along with sign-up cards. Given the logistics at St. Alphonsus Church, we will be hosting a Donut Social after the 7:30am and 9:30am Masses in the lobby of the Blessed Seelos Academy gymnasium. If you are a St. Aidan Parish member, we could use your help. To volunteer, please
contact me on my cellphone or via email. Thank you.

Vivat Jesus! 
Chris Kelley – Membership Director 
(724-799-0249) & 

Fifth Sunday Family Rosary
March 30th

The next Fifth Sunday Family Rosary will be held on Sunday March 30th. Following the Rosary, we will gather for lunch. Be on the lookout for a follow up email detailing where we will gather. To ensure that we have an accurate count when making the reservation, please call or email me to tell me how many will be
joining and if there are any food allergies that we need to accommodate. We look forward to seeing you there!

Vivat Jesus! 
SK Kevin Hein – Chancellor and Faith Director
(724) 814-4926 &

Gold Tie Club / Pass the Gavel Dinner 
May 1st Camelot Event Center 

May 1, 2025 has been set for the upcoming Gold Tie Club / Pass the Gavel Dinner.  The dinner will be held at the Camelot Event Center, Wexford (our previous Council Home).  Please mark your calendars now so you can keep that evening available.  The doors will open at 6:00 PM and a Buffet Dinner will begin at 7:00 PM followed by our M.C. Shaun Lally’s hosting of the formal Passing of the K of C GK Gavel to our new Grand Knight, Ken Landau.  Gold Tie Presentations will follow.  Come to see your old friends and meet up with our newest members.  More information will follow. 

The next Planning Meeting of the dinner committee is scheduled for February 17th, 7:00 pm.  Please attend if you can.  If you would like to attend virtually, please contact George Franz: &724-772-0494 

The Magee Project 

The Magee Project has resumed, with people praying every day for the end of abortions at Magee Women’s Hospital.  Magee performs 400-500 abortions a year, with about half of them being in the second trimester (4-6 months gestation) of a woman’s pregnancy.  Magee performs more abortions than any hospital in Pennsylvania… 

Vivat Jesus! 
Chris Kelley – Life Director 
(724-799-0249) & 

40 Days For Life 

The year-round 40 Days for Life campaign to end abortion continues here in Pittsburgh, with people peacefully praying in front of the downtown Planned Parenthood.  Dedicated sidewalk advocates, with love in their hearts for the pregnant women and their unborn child, approach them as they are about to enter the clinic, encouraging them to change their mind.  My shift is from 2:00pm-3:00pm every Wednesday.  If you would like to pray with me, and need a ride, please let me know 

Vivat Jesus! 
Chris Kelley – Life Director
(724-799-0249) &  

Please Support TRY 

TRY’s mission is to provide therapeutic recreational programs to our youth and adults with different abilities.  Please consider Donating to TRY by writing a check to “KofC” Council #3907”, with TRY on the Memo Line, and mail it to: Knights of Columbus; PO Box 131; Wexford, PA 15090-0131….  Thank You for your Generous Support of our Special Needs Youth and Adults,  

Vivat Jesus! 
SK William Romig,  
PGK, Community Director 
Email: <>; (724-799-5735)  


September/April Saint-Paul of The-Cross Parish-Retreat Schedules are listed on their Website//Inquire: 
<> <> 
About our Retreats: Men’s & Women’s Retreat are now showing as available: (You can always attend as an Independent on another Appropriate Weekend) 

  • Men’s: Saint Aidan (former St. Alexis) January 24-26, 2025 
  • Men’s: Saint Aidan (former St. Alphonsus) January 24-26, 2025 
  • Men’s: St. Luke the Evangelist (former Saints John & Paul) March 7-9, 2025 
  • Men’s: Regina Coeli (former Saint John Neumann) March 14-16, 2025 
  • Men’s: Regina Coeli (former Assumption) March 14-16, 2025 
  • Women’s Regina Coeli (former Saint SJN) October 18-20, 2024) 
  • Women’s Regina Coeli (former Assumption) October 18-20, 2024) 
  • Women’s Saint Aidan (former St. Alexis) January 10-12, 2025 
  • Women’s Saint Aidan (former St. Alphonsus) January 10-12, 2025 
  • [See Website (above) for Other Parishes.] 

Please Sign-Up as Soon as Possible: 
(New or Original Rooms Available) 
(St. Paul’s 412-381-7676) 8am-4pm M-F

Knights of Columbus International Amateur 
Golf Association (K.C.I.A.G.A) Tournament 

The 56th K.C.I.A.G.A. tournament will be held in Burlington, Kentucky.  The tournament will be held at Lassing Pointe Golf Course located at 2266 Double Eagle Dr, Union, KY 41091 on June 10 thru 12, 2025. Lassing Pointe has been rated #1 Public Course in KY in 2016/7 & 2019/23.  More information on the course can be found here:  For more info please contact Dustin Reed (859) 866-2122 

St. Alphonsus’ Golf League

The St Alphonsus’ Men’s Golf League is looking for golfers of all skill levels for the 2025 season.
League play is on Mondays from March 31st thru the end of August at Rittswood Golf Course in
Valencia. The league is open to new and returning golfers, ages 18 and over. New golfers can
contact Don Dietz at 412-855-6139. A Preseason meeting is in process of being scheduled with league members to be notified via e-mail once things are set, or go to the course Monday March 31st. Tee times start at 4:00PM, Weather permitting.

Donations to the Little Lamb Resale Shop 

Our Council continues to support the Little Lamb Resale Shop, located several doors down Liberty Avenue from Planned Parenthood.  They offer reasonably-priced maternity and infant clothing for sale, and have helped dozens of expectant mothers and new mothers since they opened in July. 

They offer a warm place, a cup of coffee, and a bathroom for the 40 Days for Life prayers on the sidewalk. 

Many of us have signed up for a reoccurring $10 donation. 

If you would like to make-a-donation, please make out your Tax- Deductible Check to: 

National Women’s Coalition for Life, 
(write) “Little Lamb Project” on the Memo line, mail it to: 
301 DeArment Parkway; Pittsburgh, PA 15241 

KofC Catholic School/High School Student Grant Program
The Knights of Columbus Educational Foundation will be offering at least (50) $1,000 grants to members whose children attend Catholic Schools’ Grades 1 through 12, where a Third-Degree member’s child is enrolled. Last year, the Foundation was able to fund (100) grants to help our members Cover Tuition Costs. Applications will be received starting January 1st-31st, 2025. Applications can be downloaded from the KofC State website -< If anyone has any questions, please call Shaun Lally at 412-726-7387.
Vivat Jesus! Shaun Lally 412-726-7387

PA State College Scholarships Program
TEN SCHOLARSHIPS, each totaling $3,000.00, payable in four installments of $750.00 per year, for Knights, Sons, and Daughters of Pennsylvania Knights of Columbus, and Columbian Squires: who are currently in good standing. Several other conditions must be met. Please review Lawrence Barkowski, Scholarship Chairman’s webpage at: Application Deadline: December 31st….