First Friday Overnight Adoration
(This past June-2019 marked the Twelfth Year for this Project)
Since June of 2007, members of Council #3907 (many along with their wives), have participated in First Friday Overnight Adoration at Saints John and Paul Parish, which has now changed into continuous Perpetual Adoration. You are encouraged to take a few minutes each First Friday to think about the Lord, and speak to Him as if you were in Adoration at the Chapel. If you would like to continue with First Friday Overnight Adoration, that is possible in conjunction with Perpetual Adoration. If you would like a Reminder, please let Larry Emark know that you would like to be added to his First Friday Overnight Adoration Email and/or Call for Instructions on how to participate. Phone: 412-367-0525; Email: <emarklw@verizon.net>
Message from SSJP Karen Walker:Thanks for this/your emails. I wanted to make a correction – Saints John & Paul has (actually) Re-established Perpetual Adoration in our Grotto Chapel. Adoration is available (24) hours/ (6) days a week – Sunday through Friday. There is No-adoration on Saturdays, so that Weddings and Baptisms can take place, as well as permitting time for the Grotto to be cleaned. We appreciate the help of the KofC to commit to Eucharistic Adoration. While all the spots are filled, it’s better to have 2-Adorers (in case of last-minute emergencies or when there is a need of a sub). I’ll add that we no-longer require those engaging in adoration to Wear-Masks. We are following the diocesan COVID Protocol, which States that Masks are recommended when individuals gather indoors, but they are not-required. Deacon Tom Boucek is copied on this reply, since he is the individual who Coordinates our Adorers. Questions? Deacon Tom
Adoration Times
7:30 AM–7:00 PM Saints John & Paul
Following 7:00 AM Mass in the Grotto Chapel
FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month
8:30 AM–NOON Saint John the Baptist
7:30 AM–7:00 PM Saints John & Paul
Following 7:00 AM Mass in the Grotto Chapel
3:00–6:00 PM Good Samaritan
FIRST FRIDAY of each month
8:30 PM–8:45 AM Saints John & Paul
All night following 8:00 PM Friday Mass